Home » Diastasis Recti » Week 4 With The Tummy Team {Healing Diastasis Recti}

Week 4 With The Tummy Team {Healing Diastasis Recti}

Week 4 update with The Tummy Team diastasis recti program.

Week 4 with The Tummy Team

I can’t believe it’s been 4 weeks since I started with The Tummy Team! This past month flew by. I did have some days where it was difficult to stay consistent with the exercises (due to my birthday, a trip out of town, and several other factors), but overall I was as consistent as possible (it helps that the exercises are meant to be integrated into everyday life).
I didn’t see as much of a dramatic change in my figure as I did the first 2 weeks, but my posture has greatly improved, and I feel so much stronger.
Here are my measurements to compare (there’s a video in this post that will explain exactly what and how I’m measuring).


Before starting the program:
Waist: 37″
Upper: 4 medium  (“medium” refers to the connective tissue depth)
Middle: 4 deep (with pulse–meaning I can’t even feel the connective tissue, and I can feel a pulse beating there)
Lower: 3 medium
After two weeks of doing the Core Foundations Program:
Waist: 34″
Upper: 3 medium
Middle: 3.5 deep
Lower: 2 shallow
After four weeks:
Waist: 34″
Upper: 3 medium
Middle: 3 deep (but definitely not as deep as before)
Lower: 1.5 shallow (this part is almost closed!)
So, the measurements are gradually changing. Kelly constantly encourages that this is a journey. It’s not something that happens overnight. For me, I’ve had a significant diastasis for about 13 years, so I’m thrilled with the slow but steady progress that I’m seeing. I honestly wasn’t sure if I could ever heal without surgery, so this is worth celebrating!
And not only is healing your diastasis a journey, but it’s also a lifestyle change. I’m not just participating in this rehab program and then after it’s over that’s it. I’m learning how to move differently, how to sit, stand, and walk differently, always mindful of my core.
In the above photos, I’ve included a photo from after two weeks (that I also shared in this post). In that photo, I wasn’t “sucking in,” but I also wasn’t “letting it all hang out.” I don’t live like that anymore. My muscles are activated, meaning that the transverse muscle is halfway to the spine. I live there now (meaning my goal is to always keep my muscles in that “active” position).
Week 4 “Fully Engaged Core”
In the second photo, my core is “fully engaged,” meaning the transverse muscle is pulled back toward the spine. Everything is nice and tight and my waist measurement is an inch less (33″) with the transverse fully engaged. I don’t “live” in this fully engaged position, but I go there many times throughout the day.
I’m still wearing the splint full time (including sleeping in it), as I don’t feel my diastasis is closed enough to wean from it yet. It reminds me throughout the day to be mindful of my transverse, and it’s actually comfortable to me to sleep in now.
One reason I wanted to do the Core Foundations program in the winter is because I was afraid I would be miserable and hot trying to wear the splint in the summer. So, I’m thankful to be going through the program now while the weather is still cool!
I’m also still loving the Fit2B Tummy Creme (available from The Tummy Team under “Abdominal Splinting”–go to the part that says, “Purchase Your Abdominal Splint”). It makes my skin so smooth and nice, and I really think I’m seeing a difference in my skin elasticity.
Yesterday when I was taking photos for this post, my husband said, “Wow, your stomach looks so much flatter!” My husband isn’t the type to focus on appearance at all (or even notice details about how people look!), so this was a huge compliment! 🙂
I plan to be back in a couple of weeks with another update!
P.S. Kelly (the owner of The Tummy Team), has kindly offered a discount for my readers, which is good through March 31, 2015)!
Use the promo code ARTFUL20 to get 20% off the online Tummy Team programs when you order here!

Other Posts in This Series:

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  1. Joy,
    I just found your blog in researching the Tummy Team. I have done fit2b for a year and a half now but am just now considering I might need something more dedicated. I have agonized over my DR for 7 years + now, the fact that my innie has become an outtie and the extra bump that showed up above my navel. A hernia was ruled out by u/s and while I have seen some progress in my DR, the bumps and the gap remains after birthing 2 more children. I saw the photo testimony of the woman who regained her innie after doing the Tummy Team and then another on the fit2b private forum and my wheels started churning again the past few days. I don't experience any pain or hindrance with my gap or bumps, but I have just felt broken. Bless my husband, he is the only one who I have really talked to over the years as girlfriends have not experienced DR, and he is probably so sick of me focusing on it. I am sure it has become an idol to some extent and I have been praying about that and where is the "right" place to be in my thinking about my body and still longing to heal it. Anyway, I have been wondering how I could swing the TT program financially and found your blog and the coupon code and my husband said go for it this afternoon! I still need to pray about it and read more, but just wanted to thank you for blogging about it and sharing your journey. I will be following!

    1. Hi Megan,

      I'm so sorry to hear you're dealing with DR also. I can very much relate to your frustration and discouragement about it. It's so difficult when it seems like you're the only one going through it (or when none of your friends understand what you're talking about). I've been there. That's one reason I wanted to blog about it–partly just to be another voice of encouragement for those who are struggling and wondering if this can possibly be healed without surgery.

      I just completed my 6th week with the Tummy Team, and I've seen more progress! I hope to share about it soon.

      Thank you so much for taking the time to leave a comment, and I hope you have great success with healing your diastasis! 🙂

  2. So very glad you have found something to help you Joy with such good results which will also encourage others

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